Why a Bond Measure NOW?

  • There are not enough state funds to pay for the refurbishing and infrastructure upgrades needed for an aging campus like C.O.D.
  • There is a need for modern classrooms which can accommodate larger lectures and expanding programs. There is a need for more student technology centers and science labs.
  • As indicated in the COD Educational Master Plan the college must serve the growing student population of the Coachella Valley. Enrollment projections indicate that over the next ten years the student population of C.O.D. will increase by a minimum 4,000 students.

Will the Funding from Measure B Help COD Meet Most of its Needs?

  • Yes. It will pay for upgrades, renovations, buildings and infrastructure. A law passed in 2000, Proposition 39, allows funds from the Bond to be used also for the purpose of furniture and equipment for the buildings. The added square footage when available will allow the college to be eligible for increased growth funds from the state. Donor funds will be solicited as well --- an endowment has already been received for the operations of the Business and Community Center.

How Much Will the Bond Cost Homeowners in the First Year & in the Long Term?

  • In the first year, the cost will most likely be $5 to $6 dollars per $100,000 of assessed value of property. As the bonds will be phased in over time, the amount would increase over the next years to a maximum of $18.00: the college is anticipating approximately $18 maximum per $100,000 of assessed value.

Is Any Other Type of Funding Available?

  • No. Community colleges have historically been under-funded in the State of California. All community colleges, including College of the Desert, have faced ongoing cutbacks due to the state budget crisis.

How Will We Know ALL Bond Proceeds Will Be Spent Properly?

  • By law, money from any proposed bond can only be spent on buildings, classrooms, or instructional equipment. Once a bond is successfully passed, an independent Citizens' Oversight Committee must monitor all funds to ensure they are spent properly. No money will go to administrators' salaries.

What is a Citizen's Oversight Committee?

  • It is a legally required independent auditing group that will assure that the Bond funds are spent appropriately and legally. It is the responsibility of the C.O.D. Board of Trustees to select members of this group.

How Will You Decide What Projects Will Be Included In The Final Plan?

  • We have engaged in an extensive planning period, which was initiated nearly two years ago.
  •  In 2003 College of the Desert completed and adopted an Educational Master Plan and Facilities Master Plan. These plans will serve as valuable tools in the development of the College of the Desert Campus Plan, which will help assign priorities for projects.